Inside the App, Clients & Patients can find a multitude of different options via the Profile menu that allows you to easily set and edit the following information:
- Profile Picture
- First & Last Name
- Phone Number
- Update Passwords
- Birthday
- Height
- Gender
- Unit Preferences
- Timezone
- App Language (English or Spanish)
- Weight Goal
- Daily Steps Goal
- Daily Water Goal
- Daily Sleep Goal
- Daily Calories Goal
Step #1:
Let's take a look by logging into the app, then from the Home screen tap the hamburger menu button in the far upper left corner displaying a side menu.
Step #2:
Next, tap on " Profile " from the sidebar menu that appeared below your avatar.
Step #3:
Now, you will land on the " Profile Screen " and this is where you can adjust a lot of different things but, for this article let's stay focused on just the Account & Basic Info that are circled.
You may access these features by selecting the Profile Menu (top left) from the app's homepage and selecting PROFILE from the app's side menu.
If you have any problems with Navigating your Profile contact
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