The Provider Dashboard supports calls from Clinics to Patients. But, before we can proceed on that it's important to realize you must first ensure Audio & Webcam Permissions are enabled.
Enable/Block Audio & Webcam Permissions in Chrome:
- Open your Google Chrome Browser.
- Log into the Provider Dashboard.
- When prompted, choose Allow and you're done.
- If you aren't prompted continue Manually down below.
Manually Enabling/Blocking Audio & Webcam Permissions in Chrome:
- Open your Google Chrome Browser.
- Log into the Provider Dashboard.
- In Chrome's Address Bar right-click the lock icon to the left.
- Select the Site Settings option.
- Turn your Camera & Microphone to Allowed.
- Reload the Provider Dashboard page.
Enable/Block Audio & Webcam Permissions in Firefox:
- Open your Firefox Browser.
- Log into the Provider Dashboard.
- Choose a Patient/Coach to Video/Audio Call.
- When prompted, choose Allow and you're done.
As of right now, Edge does not support Audio/Video Calling but, this will be added soon.
- Open the Safari App on your Mac.
- Log into the Provider Dashboard.
- Go to Safari > Preferences, then click Websites.
- For the Provider Dashboard Site specified choose Allow for both the Camera & Microphone.
Any further questions about Enabling Audio & Camera Permissions please contact
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