Our app allows you to import data from your HealthKit/Apple Watch and it's very easy to set it up!
Here's how:
1. Open the App and log in.
2. Next, from the app's Home screen tap the "Devices and Integrations" icon in the upper right.
3. Under "Devices & Integrations", find "Apple Health" and tap on the toggle switch.
4. Now you will need to grant access for out app to access the data you would like to transfer.
• Tap on "Turn All Categories On" which will enable Blood Glucose, Body Fat Percentage, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Steps, Systolic Blood Pressure, and Weight to be read or only select the categories you would like our app to access.
• Tap on Allow on the upper right corner.
5. Now Apple Health will show as connected. The selected data from Apple Health from the previous step will be automatically updated each time you use your app.
Additionally, make sure to Set the Tracker Source to 'HealthKit/Apple Watch'. This will ensure that the steps shown on your homepage reflect those from Apple Health or your Apple Watch.
Need Additional Help?
Select Contact Tech Support in the app or Schedule a Support Call with our support team.
You can also contact us at support@coachcare.com.
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