Sometimes the Scale or Tracker might not be syncing or working correctly and this is an indicator that something is wrong between the app and the device so here's a few common reasons and what to do.
Bluetooth isn't turned On
The Scale and Tracker use Bluetooth as a means of communication between the device and the app so if this isn't working try turning this Off for 15 seconds, then turn it back On to reset the connection.
Location/Location Services isn't turned on. (Android Only)
If an Android Device is being used check that Location/Location Services is enabled and if it is try turning this Off for 15 seconds, then turn it back On to reset the connection.
Incorrect Mobile Device/App Distance
Make sure that when the Tracker or Scale is nearby within close range up to 15 ft of the Mobile Device with App while going through the syncing process.
Improper Syncing of the Tracker/Scale
Improper timing of the tracker or scale may result in incorrect readings or none at all. Ideally, step on the Scale after tapping Weigh-In on the App or tapping the Tracker ID after it shows up for syncing promptly.
Interference of other nearby Bluetooth Devices
If there are any other bluetooth devices in use besides the Scale or Tracker such as a Bluetooth Headset, Radio, Controller, etc, try turning these off then attempt to sync again.
Low Battery Power
Make sure the Tracker or Scale battery has a decent charge and is not low.
Clean Device
Check that the Device is fairly clean, dust and debris may cause interferences.
Device Error
If there's a Device Error Message or it's not turning on, contact us to report it.
Any other questions about Devices Not Syncing contact
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