The mobile application is configured for your clinic. Some or all of the features discussed here may not be available in your clinic's app. Further, an updated version of the app must be published to both the Google Play and iOS stores for new features to become available. The timeline for this release is custom to your clinic. Please contact support if you have any questions. |
Patients in the mobile app may now take a photo when logging consumed meals. This optional photo becomes attached to the consumed meal, and is viewable by both patients in the mobile app and coaches on the dashboard. The following enhancements are included in the update:
- Display of Pictures
- Add Picture When Logging Meal (Quick Add)
- Add Picture When Logging Meal (Create Recipe)
- Photo Only Logging
- Update Existing Meal Photo
- Edit Ingredient Nutrition Information
Display of Pictures
If a logged meal has an attached picture, it will be visible from within the mobile app and on the dashboard.
- In the Mobile App, a small thumbnail image will be visible both in the consumed meal listing and when viewing the detailed 'View Recipe' page. Click the thumbnail on the 'View Recipe' page to view a full sized image.
- On the Dashboard, a small thumbnail will be visible for consumed meals that have an attached image. A placeholder empty image icon will be displayed for meals without an image. Click the thumbnail to view a full sized image.
Add Picture When Logging Meal (Quick Add)
When logging a new Quick Add meal, an optional photo may be attached. Once you have selected at least one item to log, the camera icon to the right of the 'Quick Add' button will become active. If you wish to add a picture to the selected item(s), click that camera button to take a picture, and confirm it to save. Please note that all selected food items will use the same image.
Add Picture When Logging Meal (Create Recipe)
When creating a new recipe, an optional photo may be attached. Once you are on the Create Recipe page, an empty placeholder fork and knife icon appear in the upper left. Click this icon to take a picture, and confirm to use this image for the recipe. Please note that only a single picture can be attached to a recipe.
Photo Only Logging
A new Photo Only meal logging category is also available. At the start of the process when logging a new meal, a 'PHOTO' tab is available. This feature allows you to take a single picture, give it a title, and log it as a consumed meal. No nutrient information will be attached to the consumed meal, but nutrition information can be edited at a later time (see Edit Ingredient Nutrition Information at bottom of article). Please note the location and availability of this feature will depend upon your clinic's mobile app configuration. Please contact support with any questions.
Update Existing Meal Photo
The picture attached to any logged meal can also be updated or deleted. Click to view the View Recipe page, and either a small thumbnail of the image is displayed or a fork and knife icon indicating no image is attached. When clicking an image thumbnail, a full sized image will be displayed with a trash can icon and camera icon. These allow you to delete the image or replace it with a new one respectively.
Clicking on an empty fork and knife icon allows you to take a new image.
Edit Ingredient Nutrition Information
Nutrition information may now be edited in the mobile app for logged meals. It is important to understand that a logged meal is composed of one or more ingredients. So the editing occurs at the ingredient level (which is within the meal) and not at the meal. To edit the ingredient information:
- From the View Meals screen, click to view a single logged meal View Recipe page.
- Towards the center-bottom of the page, see the Current Ingredients listing
- Click on the ingredient for which you wish to edit the nutrition information
- Click on the values in the left-hand column of any of the nutrients listed to edit (Calories, Total Fat, Saturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat, Cholesterol, Total Carbs, Dietary Fiber, Sugars, Protein).
- When finished click Save to confirm the ingredient update.
- Back on the View Recipe page, click Save to confirm the meal update
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