Beginning Friday, March 12, 2021, the List View and Calendar View schedule pages on the dashboard will have a default filter of Any Clinic. Prior to this, a specific clinic was always selected when viewing the Calendar View or List View. This selected clinic filters all returned meetings to only those within the selected clinic. With this update, the most default view ('Any Clinic') is the most broad option available.
Feature Details
This update adds additional functionality to the scheduling feature:
- The schedule views previously utilized the dashboard's selected clinic
Prior to this update, the selected clinic from the upper left of the dashboard was used to filter the display meetings. Only meetings at or below this selected clinic were displayed. Now, the clinic selector inside the component will be used to filter the displayed meetings. - Calendar View selector
On the Schedule -> Calendar View page, the clinic selector is located to the left of the account selector component. By default, it will display the text 'Any Clinic', indicating that meetings from all clinics that your account has access to will be displayed.
This setting can be adjusted by clicking the component. A modal will be displayed in which you may select a specific clinic from the dropdown, or click Any Clinic to reset the preference back to all clinics.
Once adjusted, the clinic selector will retain that selected clinic until the page is refreshed or your account is logged out. This is the same behavior used by the account selector component to the right. - List View Selector
On the Schedule -> List View page, the clinic selector is located above the account selector component. By default, it will display the text 'Select Clinic', indicating that meetings from all clinics that your account has access to will be displayed.
The setting can be adjusted by clicking the component, and selecting or searching for a different clinic. Once a clinic is selected, it will be displayed in place of the Select Clinic input. To clear that preference, click the x next to the clinic name, and all clinics will be selected again. - Inaccessible meetings are now displayed as "Busy Time"
Some coaches may have access to patients that are associated to multiple clinics, and as such, have scheduled meetings in each of these clinics. In these scenarios, a coach may not have access to view the meeting information for that patient for meetings in their non-accessible clinic. When viewing a schedule for a particular patient to which the coach does not have access to the meeting information, the meeting will be shown simply as Busy Time. The following screenshots show a display of both scenarios:
You will note that the first example does not expose the meeting title or attendee listing, but does present the time as generally unavailable.
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