Beginning Monday, July 11, 2022, the new Measurement Threshold Alert type is available for use on the dashboard. This new feature provides an additional automated alert that can be configured to generate a notification when a recorded measurement for a patient falls above or below a specific value.
Table of Contents
- Configuring the Threshold Alert
- Viewing Alert Notifications
- Dismissing Alerts
- Additional Notes for Usage
Configuring the Threshold Alert
The interface for adding new alerts has been modified. The alert page now has an Add New Alert button in the upper right hand side and the Add New Threshold Alert row at the bottom of the table has been removed. An example can be found in the Missing Measurement Alert article. |
Alerts can be setup and configured for your clinic on the dashboard under Alerts -> Settings in the left-hand menu. This screen will show all active alerts. By default, no existing Threshold Alerts will be available. To add a new Threshold Alert, click the Add New Threshold Alert button in the bottom row of the table.
When clicked, you will be presented with the configuration modal to create and activate a new Threshold Alert. This modal has three options which are used to configure the alert:
- Metric to Alert On
A dropdown that allows you to select the measurement from which notifications will be generated. The dropdown will display all available measurement types. Each alert must have only one selected metric. - Refresh Time Period
The maximum frequency in which new alert notifications will be generated. The options are: 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week. Choose the most applicable timeframe for this alert's use case. For example, if the data will only be reviewed daily, the 1 day option will work best. Otherwise, new alerts may be generated prior to the next day, which could result in unnecessary and unused notifications. - Alert Value
Define the threshold direction (Above or Below) and value. Each alert may only have one direction. For example, you may choose to be alerts to Systolic Blood Pressure readings above 140 or choose Lean Mass percentage below 50%.
Once you have selected a direction and entered a value, a summary of the new alert will be presented at the bottom of the modal:
Once the alert has been saved, the modal will automatically close and the table listing of alerts will be refreshed. The new Threshold Alert you created will show towards the bottom of the table listing. Threshold Alerts will be shown in alphabetical order. Depending on other existing alerts, the specific order the new table listing will be displayed will vary.
The alert table listing has the following four columns:
- Enable
This checkbox denotes the state of this alert:- Active (checked) This alert will produce new notifications
- Disabled (unchecked) This alert will not produce new notifications
- Title
The title of the alert. Threshold Alerts will always start with "Threshold Alert -", followed by the name of the measurement being alerts on (Blood pressure - systolic, BMI,LDL Cholesterol, etc). In addition, all Threshold Alerts will have the circled bell icon. - Settings
This column is used for other alerts to denote additional settings and preferences. This will be blank for Threshold Alerts. - Actions
The ability to edit (pencil icon) this alert or delete it (trash icon).
An existing Threshold Alert may be edited by clicking the pencil icon in the Actions column. When click, the same modal will be presented as when the alert was initially setup. Adjust the desired values and click the Save button.
Viewing Alert Notifications
Threshold Alert notifications are viewed in three locations:
- Dashboard homepage
- Alerts notifications listing
- Patient profile
The alert notification will present the following information:
- Name
The name of the patient for which the notification was generated. - Alert Type
The alert which triggered this notification. For Threshold Alerts, the format will be Threshold Alert - [Measurement Name]. - Notice
The data explanation of what triggered this notification. For example, consider a body fat percentage alert to generate a notification when a patient recorded a body fat above 30%. The notice may be as follow: 40% 10% above 30% threshold. This format is as follows:- 40% the recorded body fat percentage for the user
- 10% the amount/value for which the recorded measurement varied from the threshold value
- above the direction of this measurement alert (will either be "above" or "below")
- 30% threshold the alert's configured threshold value
- Date
The relative time from today for which this alert notification was generated (1 day ago, 1 week ago, etc).
Dismissing Alerts
Once you have viewed the alert notification, you may dismiss it by clicking one of the Mark As Viewed icons for the alert. Keep in mind that all coaches in your clinic will also see this same alert notification. As such, the options to dismiss are impacted by that visibility:
- Mark as Viewed for All Coaches in this Clinic
This will dismiss this alert notification for both you and all other coach(es) in your clinic which may have access to this patient. - Mark as Viewed for Me
This will dismiss this alert notification for only you. Other coaches will continue to see this alert notification.
Additional Notes for Usage
- Multiple alerts can be set on a single metric
Multiple Threshold Alerts can be configured for a single metric. This permits the creation of alerts in both directions. For example, the following two alerts may be setup and active at the same time:- Blood Pressure - Systolic above 140mmHg
- Blood Pressure -Systolic below 90mmHg
- Blood pressure is separate
A Threshold Alert can only be configured for one measurement type, which includes systolic and diastolic blood pressure. To clarify, a separate alert must be configured and used for systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. - New alert notifications for a specific alert will not be generated until the previous one is dismissed
New alert notifications will be generated as frequently as the alert's Refresh Time Period (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week). Further, if a patient has an un-dismissed/active alert notification, no new notifications for that specific alert will be generated until that notification is dismissed. To confirm, the alert notification will continue to be displayed to the coach until it is dismissed.
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